I started another round of Jillian Michaels Body Revolution but this time, I will be uploading a detailed review for each phase of the program.
Previously, I reviewed the program as a whole at Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Review and compared it with Bodyshred as well.
For notification of the updates for reviews of each phase, you can sign up below. The Body Revolution program is an extreme weight loss program that lasts for 90 days.
The Body Revolution program is delivered in 3 phases for 1 month each with the intensity increasing every phase.
Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 Review
Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 includes 4 workouts and 1 cardio workout.
Workouts 1 and 2 are done in weeks 1 and 2 while workouts 3 and 4 are done in weeks 3 and 4 with a rest day at the end of each week.
Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 (Weeks 1 and Week 2)
Workout 1
Workout 1 consists of 4 circuits that’s approx 30 – 35 minutes each. There’s also a warm-up and warm-down in the workout.
Workout 1 of Body Revolution focuses on the shoulders, triceps, chest, abs, and quads.
- Circuit 1 – air squats, modified push-ups, plank hold, chest flys with weights x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (towel run) between each round.
- Circuit 2 – sumo squats, tricep kickbacks, standing adductions with oblique crunch on each side x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (speed bag) between each round.
- Circuit 3 – chair squats with front raises, arm raises, warrior 2 pose on each side x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (marching in place) between each round.
- Circuit 4 – leg raises on each side, bicycle crunches, lateral raises, x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (step out, step in) between each round.
Workout 2
Workout 2 is approx 30 – 35 minutes and consists of 4 circuits. There’s also a warm up and warm down in the workout.
Workout 2 of Body Revolution focuses on the back, biceps, hamstrings, glutes, and abs.
- Circuit 1 – table with arm and leg extension alternating, pelvic thrusts with leg crossovers on each side, superman with raises x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (alternating knee thrusts) between each round.
- Circuit 2 – static lunge with torso rotation alternating, wide dumbbell rows with weights, bicep drags x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (side to side kickbacks) between each round.
- Circuit 3 – deadlift with a bicep curl, donkey kicks alternating legs, crunches x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (knee highs on each side) between each round.
- Circuit 4 – medium cable row, good mornings, heavy hammer curls, step-ups with weights x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (uppercut in half squat) between each round.

Cardio 1
Cardio 1 is a little under 30 minutes and doesn’t include a warm-up or warm down. There are 3 rounds of the same exercises.
Marching in place, hot feet, punches in half squat, jog in place, running man, speed bag, kick outs with arm circles, and suicides x 3 rounds.
Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Phase 1 (Weeks 3 and Week 4)
Workout 3
Workout 3 is approx 36 minutes and consists of 4 circuits. There’s also a warm-up and warm-down in the workout.
Workout 3 of Body Revolution focuses on shoulders, triceps, chest, abs, and quads.
- Circuit 1 – push-ups, downward dog with leg grab, alternating backward lunges, plank walk out, and walk in x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (jumprope) between each round.
- Circuit 2 – sumo squats with tricep extensions with weights, camel pose with toe tap, squat press, lunges with presses with resistance band x 3 rounds with a cardio interval (punch it out) between each round.
- Circuit 3 – plank to crescent pose, crab with tricep dips, side crunches on each side x 2 rounds, with a cardio interval (plie hops) between each round.
- Circuit 4 – tree with lateral raises on each leg, plank ups, inch worms x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (skiers) between each round.
Workout 4
Workout 4 is approx 35 minutes and consists of 4 circuits. There’s also a warm-up and warm-down in the workout.
Workout 4 of Body Revolution focuses on the back, biceps, hamstrings, glutes, and abs.
- Circuit 1 – alternating forward lunges, static squat with medium row, single leg dead life with upright row on each leg x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (plyo skaters) between each round.
- Circuit 2 – side lunges with bicep curl, bent wide row with weights, dropping back on knee with weights, weighted step ups x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (side to side hops) between each round.
- Circuit 3 – weighted leg raises, plank with alternating leg raises, hollow man x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (fast feet) between each round
- Circuit 4 – terry pulls with weights on both sides, weighted good mornings, squirms x 2 rounds with a cardio interval (punch combinations) between each round
Overview of Weeks 1 – 4
Since this is the second round of Body Revolution for me, I didn’t find weeks 1 and 2 that tough and I breezed through them.
Weeks 3 and 4 started to heat things up a little but it’s not something that is so tough, that you can’t get through them.
If I found something too easy, I switched over to the person in the workout with extra weights or did an advanced move of a particular workout.
For beginners, Body Revolution should be a good enough challenge without stressing your muscles too much.
All the workouts are less than 40 minutes and with versatile moves so you won’t get bored easily.
Equipment Required for Body Revolution Phase 1
For body revolution phase 1, you’ll need 2 – 3 sets of weights from light to heavy, a resistance band, and a yoga mat.
Memorable Quotes from Body Revolution Phase 1
There were a lot of quotes I loved from Body Revolution phase 1 but below are my favorites:-
We’re not going to pretend it’s easy but it’s doable.
Dig deep inside and find the strength to make this happen.
There’s no way around it. There is no magic pill. There’s no secret diet. You’ve got to work out and eat right.
Let’s go. Make it hurt. Make it hurt. Make it hurt.
Jillian Michaels

Where To Buy Jillian Michaels Body Revolution Program?
If you’re in the US, you can get Body Revolution on Prime Video HERE or you can get the DVD set HERE.
Abi is all about staying in the best shape of your life at every age without having to starve yourself to make it happen. She’s been on her fitness journey since the age of 15 and doesn’t plan on letting up anytime soon. She’s currently studying to become a Certified Nutritionist. Learn more about Abi and her favorite fitness tools HERE. See our Editorial Guidelines here.
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