7 Tips to Help You Stay on Track with Your Diet During the Holidays

How can I be healthy during the holidays? This is one of the main questions on your mind when you’re also on a diet.

I can tell you staying on track with your diet during the holidays is one of the hardest things to do.

The holidays bring out all of the good food that we love and want to indulge in.

The variety of different sweets, treats and huge mains can easily derail your diet plans. It is a tricky balance to enjoy holiday food while sticking to your diet.

This is a continuation of the earlier article on keeping on track with your diet during Thanksgiving.

Below are 7 more tips to help you stay on track with your diet during the holidays.

7 best tips for staying healthy during the holidays

How to Control Your Eating During the Holidays

Tip 1 – Plan Ahead

The most important thing you can do to stay on track with your diet is to plan.

The holidays will bring family and friend gatherings, and other opportunities that can cause you to lose focus on your diet.

If you know you will be traveling, keep a supply of healthy snacks on hand so that you have a healthy go-to snack to keep you going.

Small portions of food that are full of protein and healthy ingredients always make a good travel snack.

For gatherings where you will be tempted to indulge in unhealthy foods, bring your own healthy holiday dishes to enjoy.

You can also plan out healthier meals before the holiday season.

That way, if you do indulge a bit more during the holiday gathering, it won’t set you back too much.

Instead, it will help you strike a balance and stay on track.

Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster With These 17 Tips Cover Mockup

Tip 2 – Don’t Overfill Your Plate

Keeping your portions smaller and not filling your plate to the brim will help you keep from overeating and stuffing yourself.

Instead of loading up on unhealthy mashed potatoes and dressings, serve yourself a small portion of each item so you can make room for the other goodies.

Just remember to add more vegetables and healthier items than anything else.

Tip 3 – Don’t Allow Yourself to Get So Hungry You Will Want to Overeat

One way to prevent overeating and filling up on non-healthy foods is to incorporate some easy methods throughout the holidays.

In the morning, be sure to eat a high protein breakfast so that you stay fuller longer.

Vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber are also good breakfast options. As is a healthy protein smoothie.

Snacking throughout the day on nuts and other healthy foods can help keep your hunger in check.

When you are snacking, try to avoid sugary snacks as they will make you sluggish and tired.

Don’t Overfill Your Plate During the Holidays

Tip 4 – Drink Loads of Water

Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help keep your hunger in check.

Sometimes it can feel like we are hungry when we are actually thirsty, and our bodies aren’t getting enough water.

Drinking plenty of water can also help you feel full so that you’re less likely to overeat.

Tip 5 – Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol will only add more calories and can decrease your willpower to steer clear of those unhealthy sweets and treats.

If you do want to enjoy a small drink throughout the holidays, stick with low-calorie cocktails, light beer, or wine.

And drink them slowly so it takes a while to get through the glass. Pace yourself with the drinking and you’ll be ok.

In all cases, avoid egg nog, drinks with lots of sugar added, and sugary cocktails.

Wine, champagne, and light beer are always good while water and flavored water remains the best.

Fitness Accountability Partner for the Holidays

Tip 6 – Find an Accountability Partner

It’s one of the things I discussed in Reach Your Weight Loss Goals Faster With These 15 Tips.

An accountability partner means you can keep each other on track with your diet.

If your accountability partner is not at the gatherings, you can text each other through the festivities.

Tip 7 – Don’t Stop Working Out

Stay with me. I don’t mean work out during the festivities but a lot of people stop working out a week or so before Christmas.

They’re happy, they figure it’s the holidays. Why not restart the fitness regimen after the New Year? Bad idea.

Continue working out all through the holidays. Even on Christmas morning, wake up and go through your workout.

You’re less likely to bin your diet if you stay active with your workout program through the holidays.

Don’t have time to engage in your usual workout program? How about a brisk walk for 30 minutes early morning?

With these tips in mind, you can have a great holiday, enjoy the food and still keep on track with your weight loss goals.

And if you still fall off despite your best efforts? Don’t berate yourself or give up completely.

Just get back on the fitness and diet plan ASAP.

If you’re struggling to get back in sync with your diet after the holidays, healthy meal planning can help a great deal. Try out the meal planning resources below:-

Try these 7 tips to stay on track with your diet and avoid overeating during the holidays

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