These home workout tips will help you stay on track with a home workout program till the end especially with New Year fitness goals.
Unlike the gym where everyone is there for the same thing so you can look to them for some inspiration, working out at home is a little bit different.
It requires a different kind of motivation and developing very specific habits to help you see it through.
5 Best Home Workout Tips
Home Workout Tip 1 – Set SMART Goals
Start with setting SMART fitness goals. This might seem small but it’s a huge part of sticking to a workout program.
This is what I had in mind when I created the SMART Fitness Goals Planner & Workbook.
The planner and workbook will help you determine what your fitness goals should be for the week, month, or longer.
They are available free to subscribers. Learn more and download the planner and workbook HERE.
Home Workout Tip 2 – Don’t Sleep on Meal Prepping
While some people seem to have the energy to cook 3 meals a day every day, most of us don’t have that sort of inclination. I certainly don’t.
When confronted with this scenario, most people will reach for the easier alternative aka fast food or other unhealthy meals.
With meal prepping, you can eliminate this fitness goals enemy. Meal prepping also saves time and money.
I meal prep for up to a month in advance and freeze. I then take out meals every weekend.
I still cook in-between these but maybe once a week for things I like fresh like salads.
You can use the SMART Fitness Goals Planner & Workbook to plan your meal prepping as well.
Your diet is the most important part of succeeding at a home workout program. If your diet sucks, it doesn’t matter how much you workout.
Home Workout Tip 3 – Find Your Best Time to Workout & Stick To It
Don’t workout haphazardly at random times of the day. You’re more likely to skip workouts if you do this.
Choose the best time of day that works for you and then stick to it no matter what.
Most people prefer to workout in the mornings but if the morning isn’t good for you, midday and evenings are fine.
I’m not a morning person and have never woken up at the crack of dawn to workout except when I was a competitive martial artist.
Nowadays, I workout around 12 pm every day but in the past, I’ve worked out in the evenings after the office.
The best time of the day to workout is the time that’s good for you and least likely to encourage excuses from you.
Home Workout Tip 4 – Take Progress Pictures
Don’t start taking pictures every few days. That will drive you mad and it will look like you’re not getting fit.
I recommend taking one at the beginning of the workout program, in the middle, and at the end and compare the results.
You can also measure your vitals at the beginning, middle and end. I do not recommend calorie counting.
Home Workout Tip 5 – Choose The Right Workout Program
Don’t jump on a workout program just because it’s popular or the trainer looks cute or whatever.
Choose the workout program that’s best for your needs, fitness level, and goals.
You can check out some of the home workout programs I’ve done HERE.
Right now, I just started 21 Day Fix + 21 Day Fix Extreme hybrid program.
You can grab even more daily fitness tips with Reach Your Fitness Goals Faster With These 17 Tips.
Got any other daily fitness tips? Share in the comments section. Stay fit!
Best Home Workout Tips – Pin It for Later
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